Troubleshooting the ‘Stereo Mix Not Working’ Problem on Windows PC

Stereo Mix is an option that allows the user to record audio output from the computer. This can be very useful for desktop recording sessions. However, a problem can occur when using Stereo Mix. For some users, Stereo Mix may not work even when all the options are enabled. In some cases, you will see … Read more

Fixing Kast Audio That Doesn’t Work

Sometimes you may find that the audio in Kast doesn’t work. You are not alone if you are struggling with this problem. To help you effectively solve the problem of Kast audio not working, IR Cache will show you a few methods in this article. Kast is a platform for live communication. In Kast, users … Read more

How to fix: Keyboard types only numbers or nothing at all

You are typing on your laptop and suddenly some of the keys register as numbers and symbols instead of letters. What is going on here? The answer probably lies in your number padlock. Here’s why – and how to solve the keyboard problem. What is Num Lock? Num Lock, short for “number lock,” is a … Read more