How to Repair CSR8510 A10 Driver Error ‘Driver is unavailable’ in Windows 10

Some Windows users report that they are suddenly unable to use their Bluetooth USB adapter (dongle). Affected users report that their Bluetooth settings have suddenly disappeared, the Device Manager displays an error related to the CSR8510 A10 driver, and when exploring the Bluetooth dongle under “Connected Devices”, the message “Driver Unavailable” appears. After thoroughly investigating … Read more

Troubleshooting: MSI.netdevicemanager40 Fatal Error on Windows 10

Many problems can occur when installing an HP printer. First, you might accidentally use the wrong installation package, or the installation package you are using might be corrupted. In addition, several errors can interrupt the installation of the printer and cause it to fail. One such error is “Fatal error / MSI.netdevicemanager40”. The “Fatal error … Read more